Hi, I'm Edi Dwi Nugroho

You can call me Edi, I am an Informatics student. my interest in technology beggan at me in senior high schools. After that i have always courious about technology. Now I think technology is my passion. I specially focus in web developing.

What I can do

I am very interested in the things above. now I am focused in that field.

What Ever I Made

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lancelot is one of my projects, Lancelot is a website for auction electronic goods. in that project I work on the front end and back end. the technology used to develop it is codeigniter with css framework uikit

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Ultras Informatics Webstore

Ultras Informatics Webstore is a website build with wordpress and use woocomerce plugin. In this project i develop with my team, in there i focused in design and layouting